
Clients will be provided with a receipt for services to submit to their insurance company. Below is a list of our homecare services in Greenwich, CT as well as surrounding counties. Having access to convenient high-quality care can help those at home maintain or improve their health.

  • Cardiac rehabilitation does not change your past, instead it helps to improve your heart’s future. Our cardiac rehabilitation in Greenwich, CT is a medically supervised program designed to enhance your cardiovascular health if you have dealt with heart attacks, heart failure, angioplasty, or heart surgery. This program is ideal if you are beyond Phase I cardiac rehabilitation, but want to receive continued Phase II or Phase III programs with the convenience of personal scheduling and in the comfort of your own space.

    Cardiac Rehabilitation in Greenwich, CT

    Cardiac rehabilitation is composed of three parts:
    • Exercise counseling and training: Exercise gets your heart to pumping and your entire cardiovascular system working. You will learn how to get your body moving in ways that are optimal for overall heart health.
    • Education for heart-healthy living: A key factor in cardiac rehab is educating yourself. More importantly, how can you manage your risk factors?
    • Counseling to mitigate stress: Stress is harmful to the heart. During this phase of cardiac rehabilitation, you will identify and tackle everyday sources of stress.
    Our concierge cardiac rehabilitation in Greenwich, CT is a joint effort. You do not need to face heart disease on your own. You will partner with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and of course, your family and friends, to take charge of these choices, lifestyle, and habits that affect your heart. If you are interested in getting started, adhere to the following steps:
    • Ask your doctor if you are eligible
    • If eligible, register for Axis Therapies’ cardiac rehab program
    • In consultation with your medical team, routinely set goals for your heart health
    • Work in tandem to create a comprehensive cardiac rehab plan
    • Play an active role in your care to achieve these goals
    • Continue to take your medicine correctly
    • Call 911 if you experience new or worsening symptoms
  • Occupational Therapy Evaluation begins with an assessment. The presiding occupational therapist will more than likely have a set flow to the occupational therapy evaluation process, but knowing what to expect can help you advocate for what you want to get out of the therapy process. Evaluations are a uniquely skilled process. They are performed by occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants. The length of an OT evaluation ranges from 20 minutes to several hours. This service is recommended if you want an evaluation of your functional activities of daily living or home safety assessment. The evaluation is scheduled at your convenience If a medical record is available, your occupational therapists will review it before the evaluation begins in order to retrieve basic information about you and your medical ailments. They will then interview you to fill in the gaps. Some of the straightforward information they will be looking to obtain will include the following elements:
    • Age
    • The referring physician
    • Previous medical history
    • Reason for referral
    • Diagnosis
    • Precautions
    Your OT will also seek to understand more detailed information about what your day to day life looked like before the incident that prompted your OT visit. Package Includes:
    • A comprehensive Occupational Therapy evaluation rendered by an experienced Occupational Therapist.
    • Your findings clearly and concisely explained to you
    • Valuable home safety or assistive device recommendations
  • Physical therapy evaluations require the following components in selecting the appropriate elevation level-History, Examination, Clinical Presentation, and Clinical Decision Making. Additional guiding factors can include coordination, consultation, and collaboration of care that is consistent with the nature of the issue and the needs of the patient. This service is recommended if you want to diagnose an ailment or a general physical functioning check-up. The PT evaluation is scheduled at your convenience. A physical therapist (PT) is a highly trained and certified health care provider who can professionally guide you through an illness, accident, or surgery to avoid or recover. Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist if you have issues with pain or trouble moving and going about your daily activities. Our PT’s will address your personal situation on your first visit and develop a plan of action that’s designed to help you strengthen and heal your body. Upon having the detailed inspection, your first visit will commence. The therapist will begin by explaining your situation with questions. Through regular PT, you need to be honest and transparent so that you can have access to an effective care plan. You might cover questions that include:
    • Where are you experiencing pain?
    • What is the level of pain?
    • What is your health history?
    Next steps will involve you getting up and moving around. You will be evaluated on strength, range of motion, flexibility, posture, mobility, balance, coordination, skin integrity, and muscle function. This test is not evaluated on a pass or fail basis. It’s just a way for your PT to learn how your everyday life and activities are affected by your illness. Here are some other things that the Axis Therapies Package will include:
    • A comprehensive PT evaluation rendered by an experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy.
    • Your findings clearly and concisely explained to you
    • Valuable recommendations for self-remedy
    Contact us for more information on this evaluation or our other packages.
  • As anyone who has ever dealt with an injury knows, the road to recovery can be long and difficult. From the initial pain and swelling to the tedious process of physical therapy, it can often feel like there's no end in sight. At Axis Therapies, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality physical therapy and healthcare services. That's why we're proud to offer gift memberships, which makes it easy and affordable for everyone to get the care they need. Whether you're looking for relief from pain, help recovering from an injury, or just want to improve your overall health, our gift membership is the perfect solution. With our gift membership, you'll enjoy significant savings. It saves time, is more cost-effective, and gives you good value for services that are proven to work. A gift membership is the perfect option for patients who want to bundle their services. With this card, they will be able to receive the treatment that they need at a discounted price. From customized treatment plans to expert guidance and support, we have everything you need to get back on your feet and feeling your best. Our highly trained staff is passionate about helping our patients achieve their best possible health. With this new membership option, we hope to make our services even more accessible for those who need it the most. The specifics of The Axis Therapies gift membership include the following:
    • Eight exclusive concierge physical therapy sessions
    • Highly skilled Doctors of Physical Therapy
    • Individualized therapeutic interventions
    • Redeemable anytime
    If you are interested in learning more about the specifics of the gift membership, contact Axis Therapies today to learn more about what this program can do to improve your health, wellness, and overall physical and mental fortitude. We are committed to helping you regain control of your life.
  • Lymphedema Drainage Massage

    Our lymphatic systems are an integral part of our circulatory system. Think of it as the sidewalks that line our roads; when your taxi is stuck in gridlock you might just get out and walk. While obviously it is more complex than that, a poorly functioning lymphatic system definitely adds stress to our circulatory system and heart. A tried and tested technique used for centuries that is non-invasive and painless but requires the skilled hands of trained professionals can be administered to help alleviate a backed-up lymphatic system. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a very specific type of massage with various strokes in very specific directions that helps get the fluids of our body flowing properly again.

    Lymphedema Treatment In Greenwich, CT (drainage massage)

    Our lymphedema treatment in Greenwich, CT (drainage massage) seeks to ease the swelling in your tissues. It requires training and a deep knowledge of human anatomy but with several sessions it can really work wonders to alleviate swelling, heaviness, tightness and aching found in a wide array of conditions such as; pre/post operative edema, joint replacement, cesarean sections, lipedema and lymphedema. Lymphedema occurs when your tissue retains fluid left behind after your cardiovascular system sends blood to your tissues and organs. The remaining fluid is known as lymph. Typically speaking, your lymphatic system collects your lymph and returns it to your heart through a network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. When something disrupts your lymphatic system’s process, the lymph will collect in your arms and legs, making them swell up. Other standard treatments include vasopneumatic pump devices and lymphatic wrappings which when used in conjunction with Manual Lymphatic Drainage and provide extraordinary results.
    • Helps with swelling, heaviness, tightness and aching found in a wide array of conditions such as; pre/post operative edema, joint replacement, cesarean sections, lipedema and lymphedema.
    • Stimulates and strengthens the body’s naturally functioning lymphatic system to get things flowing again.
    If you have any questions about our lymphedema treatment in Greenwich, CT, feel free to contact us today!
  • Pain is very common when you are experience an injury. When you know the pain will lessen, that is definitely helpful, however you might need to consider an orthopedic evaluation to get by until your injury has completely healed. Orthopedic doctors are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of injuries, and conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. Typically speaking, people seek a doctor when the pain becomes too much to bear. This is never a good idea, because getting a diagnosis and treatment early can save you from a lot of suffering and shorten the recovery period. This service is recommended to evaluate and treat various spinal and orthopedic conditions. Usually provided if you have chronic pain conditions such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease or other sports related orthopedic injuries. These services can be provided with the convenience of personal scheduling and in the comfort of your own space. Here are a few benefits of seeing a doctor for an orthopedic evaluation:
    • Reducing or eliminating pain
    • Improving your range of motion
    • Makes it easier to perform everyday tasks
    • Capable of treating injuries or preventing them altogether
    • Restoring vitality for proper joint function
    • Improving your exercise and sports performance
    • Can receive surgical treatment (if and when necessary)
    • Thorough evaluation of joint and bone discomfort
    • Continued follow-up visits to assess your pain
    • Can treat musculoskeletal conditions
    Here is when you should call one of our doctors for an orthopedic evaluation:
    • If you are dealing with pain, stiffness, or discomfort that makes daily activities harder
    • Chronic pain (pain that has lasted longer than 12 weeks)
    • A decreased range of motion
    • Instability while walking or standing
    • Progressive weakness or numbness in the arms and legs
    • Soft tissue injury that hasn’t improved after a few days
    The Axis Therapies Service Package Includes:
    • A comprehensive orthopedic evaluation and treatment session rendered by an experienced board certified Physician’s Assistant
    • Pain relief topicals, injections or medicine prescriptions as needed
    Contact us to get started today!
  • If you develop an illness or suffer an injury that causes pain or difficulties with functional mobility, you might benefit from the skilled services of a Physical Therapist. A physical therapist will assess your specific situation and provide focused treatments and exercises to help you return to your previous state of function.

    Concierge Physical Therapy Greenwich, CT

    Axis Therapies provides concierge physical therapy in Greenwich, CT. Your first session with one of our PT’s is known as an initial evaluation. In this session, your physical therapists will spend some time with you to learn about your condition, level of function, and how the condition is impacting your life. Upon doing so, they will then take specific measurements of the impairments that may be causing your problem and will put together a treatment plan for you. When prepping for your initial physical therapy appointment, be sure to write down the important facts about the history of your issues. By writing down the important facts, you are less  likely to forget or miss important facts. Try to answer the following:
    • When and how did the problem start?
    • What was your functional mobility prior to your injury?
    • How frequently do the symptoms occur?
    • How is that issue changing?
    • What makes things better or worse?
    Your PT will more than likely ask you some questions about your injury or illness. Bring a list of your medications or any surgeries or procedures you’ve had previously. Service for our concierge physical therapy are scheduled and typically provided within thirty days. This package is recommended for your milder strains, sprains, and pains. Contact us to learn more about our concierge physical therapy in Greenwich, CT!
  • Designing and managing a wellness program is an important step in improving the health and productivity. This service is recommended if you want to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You keep your regular doctors: We augment, and do not replace, existing primary care providers. Our providers facilitate care not easily addressed in a clinic-based setting, such as condition education, nutrition education, natural remedies, alternative treatments, treatment adherence, post-acute follow-up, goals-of-care conversations and beyond. AXIS providers work with your primary care provider and specialists, providing them with visit notes and consulting on recommended changes to care or medications. The goal for any medical wellness program should be to put a strong emphasis on flexibility, being aware of best practices, tracking engagement An outline for your wellness plan can include the following:
    • Physical Health
    • Emotional and Mental Health
    • Self-Care and Me-Time
    • Building and establishing new habits
    • Having fun
    You can also incorporate the smart method, which is a useful tool for achieving your main goals. S-Specific M- Measurable A- Achievable R- Realistic T-  Timely The Axis Therapies Service Package Includes:
    • Comprehensive Assessment with Biometric screening
    • Comprehensive Assessment with Review of Biometrics
    • IV Nutrition BIX Immune Health (Vit C, B12 Intravenous infusion)
    • IV Nutrition BIX Endurance (Vit B12, Myers Cocktail)
    • B12 injections
    • Erectile Dysfunction and Low Labido (Testosterone Injections)
    Additional services at additional cost tailored for your needs.
    • Health risk assessments with Annual Physical
    • Lifestyle coaching
    • Lifework & Health Partner, Coping & Transition
    • Nutrition counseling & coaching
    • Online or in-person wellness seminars
    • Cooking classes
    • Smoking cessation programs
    • Fitness competitions
    • Behavioral health awareness.
    • Companion Travel
    Axis Therapies’ wellness program will surely provide resources that inspire and motivate individuals to take their health seriously. With a plan of this nature, it makes it much more feasible to regain control of your life and more importantly, see an improvement in your quality of life.
  • Massage therapy should always be about health and wellbeing in a safe environment. This includes a comfortable environment before, during, and after the massage. Your massage therapist will always ask you preliminary questions to determine your overall health and wellness goals. The massage therapist will consider information about your physical condition, medical history, lifestyle, stress levels, medications, and any areas of physical discomfort that could affect your massage therapy outcome. By providing this information, it will help the massage therapist structure the session to achieve your health and wellness goals. Additionally, you and the practitioner will discuss the desired outcome of your session. This will determine which parts of your body require massage. A full body session will almost always include work on your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders. The benefits of massage work are numerous, but some of the most notable include the release of chronic muscular tension and pain, an improvement in circulation, increased joint flexibility, reduced mental and physical fatigue and stress, promote faster healing of muscular tissues, an improvement in posture, and a reduction in blood pressure. Massage and bodywork is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, cut down on anxiety, and promote an overall sense of well-being. Before your session, you are more than welcome to ask the practitioner any questions about the techniques or about the upcoming sessions. During the massage, do whatever is needed to make yourself more comfortable. The massage therapists will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session. This package is recommended for those that want to receive a private massage session in their home. The Axis Therapies Private Massage Package Includes:
    • One private 60 minute massage session rendered by a licensed and experienced massage therapist.
    • Private session in the comfort of your own home
    • Personalized scheduling


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