Physical therapy evaluations require the following components in selecting the appropriate elevation level-History, Examination, Clinical Presentation, and Clinical Decision Making. Additional guiding factors can include coordination, consultation, and collaboration of care that is consistent with the nature of the issue and the needs of the patient. This service is recommended if you want to diagnose an ailment or a general physical functioning check-up. The PT evaluation is scheduled at your convenience. A physical therapist (PT) is a highly trained and certified health care provider who can professionally guide you through an illness, accident, or surgery to avoid or recover. Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist if you have issues with pain or trouble moving and going about your daily activities. Our PT’s will address your personal situation on your first visit and develop a plan of action that’s designed to help you strengthen and heal your body. Upon having the detailed inspection, your first visit will commence. The therapist will begin by explaining your situation with questions. Through regular PT, you need to be honest and transparent so that you can have access to an effective care plan. You might cover questions that include:

  • Where are you experiencing pain?
  • What is the level of pain?
  • What is your health history?

Next steps will involve you getting up and moving around. You will be evaluated on strength, range of motion, flexibility, posture, mobility, balance, coordination, skin integrity, and muscle function. This test is not evaluated on a pass or fail basis. It’s just a way for your PT to learn how your everyday life and activities are affected by your illness.

Here are some other things that the Axis Therapies Package will include:

  • A comprehensive PT evaluation rendered by an experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy.
  • Your findings clearly and concisely explained to you
  • Valuable recommendations for self-remedy

Contact us for more information on this evaluation or our other packages.