Treatment for occupational therapy will always begin with an occupational therapy evaluation in Greenwich CT.  Whether OT was recommended to you or if you are wondering what a fundamental evaluation should include, here are a few basics of the evaluation process.

Differentiation in Occupational Therapy Evaluations

The occupational therapy field is very diverse. OT evaluations will look different in a hospital vs a concierge program, but the evaluations abide by a general structure.

1- Information gathering and Client interviews

Assuming that your medical records are available, your OT will review this information before the evaluation. The goal here is to retrieve basic information about you and your medical needs. If more information is needed, the presiding physician will interview you to bridge the gaps. Some of the information that will be accounted for will include the following:

  • Age
  • Physician who referred you to OT
  • Previous medical history
  • Precautions
  • Diagnosis
  • Reason for referral

Your OT evaluation in Greenwich CT will also broach the topic of what your day-to-day looked like before the occurrence that prompted your need for OT. This is colloquially known as the “Prior Level of Function (PLOF)”, or Occupational Profile. 

2- Comprehensive Assessments

After the initial screening, the next step in the process is the assessment of your overall health. The goal here is to gain a better understanding of how your diagnosis is affecting your ability to perform daily activities. During the assessment, many factors will be evaluated:

  • Vital signs
  • Level of pain
  • Status of mental health
  • Skin health
  • Range of motion in joints
  • Muscle tests
  • Coordination
  • Proprioception
  • Tone
  • Sensation

There might be additional tests that your therapist will utilize. From sensory processing to spatial awareness, the type of assessment performed will depend on the setting and your needs at that time. 

3- Determining if you are a Viable Candidate

Throughout the interview and assessment process, the OT will have garnered enough valuable information to formulate a treatment plan. These problems should not be ones that resolve on their own, and must warrant professional intervention. Your issues should also match up to the skill level of the occupational therapist. For instance, if you are better suited to see a massage therapist for a specific ailment, your OT should do their due diligence and refer you to this person. Last but certainly not least, a good candidate should demonstrate an unwavering commitment to therapy.

4- Measuring your Goals

Goal setting is a crucial component of an OT evaluation in Greenwich CT. Goals should be easily measurable and line up with the reason for your referral. As a patient, you will have both short and long term goals to try to hit. You should always be on the same page with your therapist on what these goals are and how they will impact your overall success. 

Seeking an Occupational Therapy Evaluation in Greenwich CT?

If your physician has recommended that you seek out concierge OT services, Axis Therapies can provide you with a high standard of care. Contact us today to learn more about our unique process.