Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy


If you develop an illness or suffer an injury that causes pain or difficulties with functional mobility, you might benefit from the skilled services of a Physical Therapist. A physical therapist will assess your specific situation and provide focused treatments and exercises to help you return to your previous state of function.

Concierge Physical Therapy Greenwich, CT

Axis Therapies provides concierge physical therapy in Greenwich, CT. Your first session with one of our PT’s is known as an initial evaluation. In this session, your physical therapists will spend some time with you to learn about your condition, level of function, and how the condition is impacting your life. Upon doing so, they will then take specific measurements of the impairments that may be causing your problem and will put together a treatment plan for you.

When prepping for your initial physical therapy appointment, be sure to write down the important facts about the history of your issues. By writing down the important facts, you are less  likely to forget or miss important facts. Try to answer the following:

  • When and how did the problem start?
  • What was your functional mobility prior to your injury?
  • How frequently do the symptoms occur?
  • How is that issue changing?
  • What makes things better or worse?

Your PT will more than likely ask you some questions about your injury or illness. Bring a list of your medications or any surgeries or procedures you’ve had previously.

Service for our concierge physical therapy are scheduled and typically provided within thirty days. This package is recommended for your milder strains, sprains, and pains. Contact us to learn more about our concierge physical therapy in Greenwich, CT!



Package Includes:

  • A Comprehensive Evaluation rendered by an experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • Eight Private Personal Physical Therapy treatments
  • A Tailor Made Treatment plan and home exercise plan
  • Direct Access to your clinician for questions and consultation
  • Personalized scheduling
  • Convenience and Confidence in your healthcare delivery through personalized scheduling and quality clinicians


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