For a good amount of older adults, physical therapy is a big part of their daily lives. Whether you need it to rehab from a serious injury or to maintain your daily independence, it is important that patients have a clear understanding of their options. The main methods that are available to patients in need of a physical therapist are to visit a clinic. While this may be effective for some, many others find at-home physical therapy much more convenient. At Axis Therapies, we are more than happy to accommodate those who prefer physical therapy in the comfort of their home. Here is what you need to know about at home pain management in Greenwich CT, and why it’s a game changer to have it done in the comfort of your home.

Seeing A Physical Therapist

There are many reasons that someone would prefer to leave their home for physical therapy. The reasons for this are simple– the clinic has certain advantages that cannot be replicated at home. The most obvious benefit is that a clinic has access to specialized equipment that is necessary for people with needs that are specific to their conditions/ailments. The kind of equipment that is required for these sessions is often too expensive to deploy in your home, even for those who can afford it. People who visit a clinic normally have two options when seeking treatment. On one hand, they can find an independent physical therapist and work with them on a contractual basis. 

Conversely, some clinics will have an in-house team of physical therapists. The main advantage here is that in-house therapists typically have better organizational support for their work than contractors from an agency. Furthermore, in the event of scheduling issues, there is still someone on staff who you can work with at a moment’s notice. A dedicated team will also offer a more robust perspective on your condition than an individual therapist.

Reasons To Pursue At-Home Physical Therapy

Despite the benefits from traveling to a clinic, there is an entire demographic of patients who prefer to receive at-home pain management in Greenwich CT. At-home services provide incentives that are harder to beat in the office setting. Allow us to explain:

Familiarity & Comfort

Compared to seeking treatment in a medical facility, in-home health care gives patients a setting that they are comfortable and familiar with!  Gone is the need to consult with a front desk coordinator or to navigate through unknown corridors. Since you are already where you are supposed to be, there is less pressure around showing up on time and ensuring that you have everything you need. This process can certainly make patients feel less stressed out.

Feeling Independent & In Control

In-home physical therapy allows people to execute greater control over the process, as they are the authorities in their own space. Additionally, they will also receive immediate practice with improving their daily living, affording the patient with a more independent lifestyle. Much of the clinical therapeutic activities are generalized so that older adults can become more effective at overseeing any type of daily tasks (e.g., moving a chair, climbing a staircase, etc.). Even if patients have specific concerns and requests, physical therapists are acutely aware of helping them overcome these obstacles. In doing so, it will become easier to regain control over your life.

1-On-1 Care

Patients who ordinarily travel to a clinic are likely to be there at the same time as others. The influx of people waiting for treatment can be distressing to both patients and the therapists. Home physical therapy services mitigate this risk, because the only people who are present during the session are those you invite.

Family Involvement

Another benefit of at-home pain management in Greenwich CT is the opportunity to invite your family to come and support you. Having a family member or dear friend present can be a great way to ensure that important information is recorded. It’s also a powerful motivator for staying the course with this path to recovery.

At-Home Pain Management In Greenwich CT: Pain Management In The Comfort Of Your Home

At Axis Therapies, we understand the value of being able to come to a patient’s home. Most people depend on the aide of home health care, and we are proud to offer them the services they need all across the Greenwich, CT area. If you or a loved one are in need of these restorative services, contact us today to learn more about beginning the process of treatment!